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Coronavirus Guide

The coronavirus virus that has been increasing across the US and all over the world is the same one that caused SARS. The virus continues to cause illness and some people are extremely sick. Vaccination is the best way to avoid infection. You can also prevent the spread by practicing safe habits. This means ensuring you have adequate airflow inside the home, avoiding social interactions and wearing a face-mask while in public. Being up-to-date on your medication can help you avoid serious illness, hospitalization, or even death if you are suffering from.

A single virus particle, called a virion, is about 80 nanometers in diameter. It is surrounded by protein that protects a ball made of RNA that contains the genetic code needed to make viruses. A spike protein on a virus’ surface connects to a receptor within healthy cells. It is typically a protein known as ACE2. This allows the virus to enter the cell. Once inside the cell, it can take over the host’s protein-making machine to create tens or thousands of copies of itself. The virions are released from the cell to infect other cells, and then create more virus.

People who have been infected with this new coronavirus could experience symptoms such as a swollen nose and cough, as well as sore throat, and fever. Some people experience more serious symptoms, like the heart and lung problems. Most people recover without lasting effects.

Por | 2024-07-02T18:03:01+00:00 junio 28th, 2024|Sin categoría|